
Mommy is a slacker!

So, it has been entirely too long since I updated this. I am vowing to do a blog at least once a week. I know that when the kids get older (and me, too), I will cherish looking back at these memories. Here's some updates:

She is 2 years and 8 months right now... and she has been POTTY TRAINED for almost 2 months now! She has been fantastic. Such a big girl. She is so smart, too. Shes doing great with her ABC's, Shapes, Numbers, and Colors. She has such a sassy attitude. I call her my little diva. She is also just a little princess.

Autumn, you are such a joy in mommys life. I love how sweet you are. I love your fireball can-do attitude. You have so much drive, and I know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I cant wait to see the person you grow up to be. Either way, I love you and will always always always be proud of you. My first born, you own my heart in a way that I cannot describe. When I first saw your face, it was love at first sight. I knew I loved you when you were in my tummy, but each day you grow, my heart is filled with a love that is unconditional, pure, and indescribable. You are my sweet little princess, forever and always, honey!!!!!

Wow, what a little man!! Trains, trucks, and cars! He's obsessed with them. He even sleeps with his cars! :-) So sweet! Lucas is 1 year and 8 months, and he is just blowing me away. He's got such great words, and seems to try so very hard to use those words, rather than letting his emotions get the best of him (something his sissy has an issue with). He loves kisses and hugs, and you better take cuddles when you can. Because he sparingly gives those out!! He is momma's little man, through and through. People have always said boys love their momma's in such a different way, and its true. He is all about his mommy and his cars!

Lucas, you are a love I never knew I needed. When you were first born, it was difficult. Mommy had what is called "post partum depression." It was very difficult, but I got through it, and every moment I spent with you, I cherish even more. Your kisses are medicine for my heart. You have the brightest, most genuine smile I have ever known. You are the kindest little soul. Don't ever change. You are perfect just the way you are, and mommy loves you more than I can ever truly describe with words.


The kids are doing great right now. Hopefully I can get some pictures downloaded soon and post some. They are with their dad this weekend, and so It gives me a lot of time to reflect on how truly blessed I am to have them as my children. I am so glad they are mine. I could not have asked for two better kids. They are my whole world, my everything, and my reason for waking up! I love you, boogers! '

<3 Mommy...


It's been way too long!

Wow, I haven't blogged in a long time. Sorry about that!

I am just full of happiness right now. The kids are doing so wonderful. Lucas repeats everything you say. He is such a good little talker. Though, we are working on not hitting, pushing, taking... you know.. normal 1 year old issues! lol. Hes thriving in every way!

Get ready for this... my little girl is in the process of potty training. Autumn is doing FANTASTIC. Give it a few more weeks, and we will be ready to go! Its so wonderful, but sad at the same time. Its just yet another step to independence and not needing mommy any more! How bittersweet. Autumn will be going to tge endocrinoligist on March 23rd. We need to figure out why she has been losing hair. She also has her yearly check up with her orthopedist on that day as well. She just has to get an X-Ray to make sure her hips are still growing as normal. Which, I'm pretty sure they are, 'cause nothing stops that little fireball.

Autumn, Mommy is SOOOOOO proud of you. You are beautiful, smart, witty, funny, fiesty, lovable, caring, kind... everything a mother could ask for in a daughter, I have in you!! I love you so much baby girl!!! <3

Lucas, you are growing up way too fast! Mommy loves you so much, and I love your kisses and your cuddles. Youre the only man in your mama's life, and you sure make me happy. I could stare at your little face for hours. Never stop being you. You're perfect just the way you are.



Park Photoshoot

Well, I think for a first-timer, I did ok. I'm going to post my favorties. Autumn did not cooperate. She's a 2-year old, what can I expect?! lol. Lucas did really well. Mostly because he's not as mobile as she is :-)! So here it goes!!




Thanks for looking! Any comments are appreciated!!



So, I have decided that I am going to try my hand at photography! I am going to borrow my moms professional-grade digital camera and I'm going to do a little photoshoot with the kids tomorrow at the park. I really wish I had my own camera, and since I can never afford to have their pictures taken professionally, I have to make due. I just hope its not as cold tomorrow as it was today!

Here is a preview. Although I took this with my Iphone, so the quality is not very good, I think its a great picture!


Dear October

Dear October,

You are my favorite month. This year you have dissapointed me and gone away far too quickly. With the end of October brings the holidays and rightfully, the birthdays of my children. I am not ready for them to grow up, so it would have been nice of you to stick around a little longer.

Sad Mommy

 Ok, so enough of that. October really did fly right by, though. That's what happens when you are busy!! The last 6 weeks have been full of ups and downs. Autumn's speech therapy is going great, and she is talking all the time, and even says "I UV OO (I love you)." Lucas can say Mama, Dada, Nana, Bye bye, and he loves waving bye bye. Just like his sister, he waves bye bye to himself, rather than AT the person leaving, lol.

Things are going great in our lives, and it just gets better and better. Theres not much to say, but here is a photo collage of all that you missed this month!!!






Goodbye October. You were wonderful. 


She's growing up!

My "baby" is growing up! Too fast, if you ask me. But alas, they all do! She is such a little cutie pie. She gives the best kisses and is so cute when she is excited to go somewhere and says "Byeeee Byyyyyeee!" :-)

Her and Lucas went with their Daddy today to have a fun-filled day. They may be going to the river, but if they do not... they're just going to go to the Twin Hills Park to splash around.

I love you, babies. I miss you already!


Lucas' 9 month well check up!

Chris took Luke to his 9 month well appt today! I was so sad to not be there with him. I know that having his daddy take him rather than me is perfectly fine with him, but I try to be there for EVERY appt. Luckily he did not have to get any shots today. He will get 4 in December (ouchie), though!!

So here's the news! Lucas weighs 19lbs, 3.5oz, and is 28 inches tall. He is in the 50th percentile. He is absoloutley perfect! His ears look good (thank GOD for that one), and his lungs are fine!! They say he needs more water, and we can now start brushing his teeth (all 3 of them, haha). I truly have no idea where all this time is going to. When you are younger, you think time just DRAGS on. Well, as you get older and have kids, you realize just how fast it goes.

I am noticing more and more how clingy Lucas is. I say clingy because Autumn has just never been the way Lucas is. Autumn has always been independant. She is all about doing things by herself and for herself. Lucas always wants to snuggle, and if sissy upsets him, you had better give him the attention he desires! :-) I cannot believe that in 3 months, my little man will be 1 year old. I love him more and more every day!

- Mommy :-)